Contact Us
Response Time
Please note that we usually reply within 2 hours. If you do not get an answer in that time frame, be patient. We are normal people and we have lives just like you do. We cannot be here 24/7/365. Kindly be patient and your problem will be solved as soon as possible. If it is needed, we will restore your lost license days to compensate.
Online Chat
We also offer Live chat support 24/7/365, our support team is available to speak with you regarding any issue that may occure. This is the best way to contact us for large sale inquiries. Please use live chat for technical support as this allows us more time to research the issue. You are welcome to call us about urgent issues, but… Please Submit a ticket before attempting to call our Live chat Support.
Technical Support
Our Team can provide you the best Technical support, they can share with you any technical details and walk you through if you get stuck somewhere. Here our team can explain all the details you need. Our technical support/helpdesk employees, will be monitoring and maintaining the computer systems and networks within an organisation in a technical support role.
Postal Support
If you have any questions about the sales of our products, feedback or suggestion, please use the following form to submit it to us. We will carefully review all messages and reply very shortly.